Meet Debbie Johnson

Bold Journey (12/19/24) –

We caught up with the brilliant and insightful Debbie Johnson a few weeks ago and have shared our conversation below.

Debbie, we’re thrilled to have you on our platform and we think there is so much folks can learn from you and your story. Something that matters deeply to us is living a life and leading a career filled with purpose and so let’s start by chatting about how you found your purpose.

I have to be honest, it found me. I ran from it for years. Since childhood, I could see people others couldn’t see. People who had passed- my Grandma, my Dad, And grandma’s and dads of others. It didn’t scare me, but it seemed to scare everyone else.
I repressed it until my 20’s when I had a series of anxiety attacks and hit my knees and prayed for God’s help. And then everything started to fall into place. I was no longer scared of my gifts, I was ok with being a medium as long as it helped people. I asked God that I only have the gift when people asked for help. My prayer was answered. I now work as a professional medium. I believe we are all given our purpose as small children. We are shown our purpose by what we do naturally- whatever that is – will be unique to the person.

Let’s take a small detour – maybe you can share a bit about yourself before we dive back into some of the other questions we had for you?

I love to help people. I read for people all over the world and watch them get healing from grief of lost loved ones to help with questions like finance and love. Each session is like watching a movie, and it’s never the same one!

To close, maybe we can chat about your parents and what they did that was particularly impactful for you?

I come from a line of hard working New Yorkers. My mother was always early to everything- and we had to be too!
Both of my parents never gave up- they kept going no matter what and I admired that. I have an Uncle that really influenced me too.
He was handicapped from the waist down. It never stopped him. He worked hard. He drove a car – even though it wasn’t easy.
He overcame all odds in his life and I watched him do it. He gave me strength when I wanted to give up.

If you had to pick three qualities that are most important to develop, which three would you say matter most?

Being a good listener.
Being kind to people.
Being grateful.

I feel the biggest thing I could advise someone is self employment is hard work- it’s rewarding but it’s hard, I work a lot more hours doing this than I ever did working for someone else. Also, the ebb and flow of business is normal. You will be slammed and then slow, Doing this for over 20 years I no longer get overwhelmed when business is slammed. I used to = in the beginning I would want to quit lol. Then it would slow down and I would recover, I think this is so important to share. You have to understand the ebb and flow of your business.


My experience with Debbie Johnson, a Medium

Palm Beach Moms –

It was a busy day, I was meeting up with a group of ladies on Worth Avenue for a tour, then enough time for lunch and a few conferences calls and then the evening tour.  I was excited because life with 3 kids and work had been busy to say the least and I was looking forward to seeing some adult friends!

As the morning tour wrapped up a lady who had organized the tour, and knew nothing about me offered a spot to see Debbie in an hour.  Apparently her appointment at that time had canceled so it was mine if I wanted it?  Did I want it?  I had some work to catch up on…  I decided what the heck, let’s go see what she has to say.  I didn’t not have any burning questions but always try to keep an open mind.

As soon as you see Debbie she seems almost other worldly.  She has the clear bright blue eyes and perfect skin that seems to glow.  With a warm smile she asked my name and offered me a seat.  She didn’t ask me anything – just explained what she would be doing – saying a prayer then letting me know what comes to her through angels.  Debbie says a prayer out loud asking that only healing and positive information be shared.  Sounded good to me.  Afterwards she shared that she knew she had this grift from an early age.  It was a winding road to find her way to share her purpose but I am so glad she did!

Then she begins:  “School, a decision of changing schools and a little bit of chaos.  Someone in heaven knows that and the decision was right.  They want to comfort you and let you know you made the right decision.”

Woah.  If you know me personally I have spent the last 18 months looking at every school option to make sure my 3 very different kids get what they need.  We would find the perfect fit and make a FINAL decision, only to have something spur us to change again.  Just recently we made the final deposits for all 3 kids but I had really really been second guessing one of the decisions to the point that I was researching home schooling.

She continued with other details about things in my life that there was NO way you could find out even if she did have time to ask friends about me, google, me, whatever.  Everything else she said was spot on…  except she kept saying she saw Pennsylvania…  so let’s see about that!  You never know!

Give it a try – we can’t wait to hear what you think!

Debbie Johnson
Medium and Channel to the Angels
